The map displays valley wind systems and their directions of flow on normal/light-wind, thermic days. The majority of the information was painstakingly collected with the help of locals and after a protracted process was worked up and published. Despite this, the complexity of the weather means it is possible that not all valley winds have been included or that one or more of the arrows is not completely accurate. There are clear areas and less defined zones, where changes may occur throughout a given day. Some areas are more or less affected by large-scale weather patterns or strong supra-regional met winds.
- normal valley wind up to 20 km/h with direction (thin arrow)
- strong valley wind over 20 km/h with direction (thick arrow)
- Lee side areas: Strong valley wind systems (e.g. Bavarian wind) often flow over slopes or ridges and create unpleasant lee side areas. We have marked many, but not all, sensitive areas.
- Includes the majority of hang glider and paraglider take-off sites plus take-off directions
- Important mountain passes incl. altitude
- Airfields
- QR codes linking to important info pages
- Explanations and information on special weather phenomena (German language)
- Detailed map of the Dolomite region with take-off and landing sites